Interested in Volunteering?
Email to register as a volunteer.
The life blood of any organization is the volunteers. They are the ones who give of themselves through countless hours of service, who give financially, or just join the team whenever they can to lend a helping hand. Their contribution is priceless and greatly appreciated.
Below you will find some of the wonderful volunteer's who gave of themselves to help our cause. Firefighters Aid for Ukraine wishes to thank them for their support!
A huge Thank You to:
Yuri Andrygoyjoyez
Amiel Aursen
Kyria Bacinski
Jerrett Belanger
Tim Berg
Denis Boutin
Yaroslav Broda
Clayton Brower
Ron Bucharsky
Leanna Buzak
Eva Chalmers
Cole Chapelsky
Dale Dallinger
Colin Davies
Orest Drupaka
Brent Findling
Ron Galaganx
Gene Guidaccio
Don Gyepesi
Victoria Hryniw
Stephen Jackson
Oleksiy Karpenko
Owen Lepps
Mila Luchak
Michael Luchuk
Olesia Luciw-Andryjowucz
Jeremy McKain
Natalie Ozipko
Chris Perka
Daria Podilsky​
Christian Sebesten
Stuart Shaw
Matt Shelast
Clint Snidar
Ivanka Solestsky
Cari Sware
Theo Tamagi
Julia Wade